1. Establishment
Date: Year 2010
Venue: Member’s Homes
Chairperson: Mrs N Madalani
2. Venue
Chiawelo Community Centre
3. Establishment of current venue. Due to an increase of membership, meetings held at members’ homes were no longer possible. The then chairman LK.Maluleke approached the former ward councilor the late. Mr J Nemaungani for permission to use the community hall at Chiawelo Community Centre. CDS was granted permission without paying rental due to the following community projects that they had:
• 1.Organized learners who had completed school to assist learners with homework after school especially those who were good in Maths & Science.
• 2.Bringing teachers together.
• 3.Assisting community clubs(societies) in writing their constitutions as well as affidavits.
4. Meeting days
1st Wednesday of each month
Time: 10h00 – 12h00
5. Current Membership 116 members
• Cultural Activities
• We celebrate every event of that month. Ie:
• February: Valentines Day.
• April: Mother’s Day
• June: Father’s Day
• August: Woman’s Month
• September: Heritage Day
• We also celebrate birthdays.
• Celebrants for that month organize themselves and decide on what to buy and share
with all the members.
• Outings
• Especially at the end of the year
• Fundraising
• The outings are part of fundraising.
6.Wellness committee
• Visit the sick and house bounds
• They render prayers and encourage them
7.Previous Chairpersons
Mrs N Madalani
Mr L.K Maluleke
Mr M.J Singo
8.Current Chairperson
Mr T.S Nemakhavhani