The Suburban Area
The Establishment of the Suburban Area
The Suburban Area, conceived by the late Dr. SK Matseke, emerged to unite scattered members in the Southern and Eastern suburbs. Eldorado Park later joined to increase numbers.
Total Membership
The initial members included Dr. S.K. Matseke, Mesdames M. Makhene, O. Ntshalintshali, C. Fisher, G. Rossouw, Nkhi, W. Amod, and Mr. Mahupela. The current membership is 112.
The First Meetings of the Area
Initial meetings were informal, held at Dr. Matseke’s residence. Mesdames Makhene and Ntshalintshali became office bearers. As numbers grew, the need for a formal venue arose.
Subsequent Area Meetings
Meetings moved to Mondeor Recreational Civic Centre in 2014, held monthly until March 2020. After the COVID-19 shutdown, Terra Serena Ministries in Kibler Park became the new venue.
Current Venue for Area Meetings
Meetings now take place on Wednesdays at Terra Serena Ministries to accommodate women attending prayer meetings on Thursdays.
Condolences to Deceased Members’ Families and Memorial Services
When a member passes away, condolences are provided. Schools or community halls host memorial services. A Bereavement Policy, effective from September 2021, guides financial support.
Suburbs Forming the Area
The Area includes members from Eldorado Park, Ennerdale, Lenasia, Zakkarya Park, Kibler Park, and various other suburbs in Southern and Eastern regions.
Terra Serena Ministries provides the meeting venue. The Area pays R500.00 per month for cleaning. Contributions are made for the car guard. Banners are displayed during events.
Divided into six Clusters with leaders to coordinate activities, visit the sick, and communicate with the Executive Committee. Cluster leaders conduct devotions at Area meetings.
Members celebrate birthdays, and special events like Octogenarian celebrations, Mothers’ and Fathers’ Days, National Women’s’ Day, and Heritage Day are organized by committees.
Committees established include Bereavement, Culture, Hospitality, Tours, Disciplinary, and Editorial. The current Executive consists of Mr. Ramoshaba, Ms. Thandi Motau, Mr. Eddie Nkomo, Mr. Bopape, and Mr. Pule Mashego.